The business Rasche faces up enormous challenges. That applies to a lot of different industries and businesses. We are in the middle of changing times.
A meaningful development towards an ideal CO 2 neutral business model with energy sensitive aspects or means and recourses saving industries, a lot of adaptation and changes will be required. Rasche products out of steel and titanium are indispensable in many areas of businesses. At the same time production demands lots of energy.
For us as a business this is a challenge, we are happy to take on. Because we like to take on responsibility in social aspects, too. These are our goals we have set us:
- Systematic investment in future orientated materials and their forging.
- Modernizing of the toolmaking development in terms of efficiency
- Further development and optimization of environmental protection measures
- Reduction of use of recourses as highest priority
- Improvement of supply chains in terms of costs and ecological aspects
- Priority given to energy efficient products and services
- Introduction of systemic environmental and energy systems